Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Conservative dress

Had a big meeting today to kick off the week so wore my most conservative dress. Low hemline, high neckline!

Of course I was able to brighten it up with my bag,scarf and some fun flats when I wasn't in the meeting ;)

Here's what I wore today:
Dress: Barkins
Belt: came with dress
Necklace: Chanel (via Reebonz)
Bracelets: the usual plus my new Balenciaga Silver Giant Triple Tour Bracelet in Rose Bruyere from HGBags Online
Scarf: Scarf: black and blue Alexander McQueen paisley print scarf from Matches Fashion
Shoes: Marc by Marc Jacobs black patent mouse flats (swapped to plain black flats from under my desk at work)
Bag: Balenciaga 2005 Magenta RH work

Closeup of accessories: